All email addresses are You can contact any of our links to get going with a topic that they know about.
Our current circles and their members can be checked out on Glassfrog.
Memberships, Finance & Event Support Link
Do you have any questions regarding joining the association or memberships in general? Or handle our finances? Do you have an idea for a future event we might host? Feel free to contact Mikael!

Mikael Seppälä
Memberships, Finance & Event Support Circle Link & Chairperson of the board
+358 50 326 8238
Mikael is a globally networked systems thinker with a focus on systems innovation and innovation management. He has lately been working on practices for complex collaboration, innovation ecosystems and innovation portfolios.
Core Team

Tero Hokkanen
Alternate board member
Tero is a big picture generalist and his main focus is to understand how to build a sustainable society/humanity. Striving for learning, understanding, and clarity.

Pekka Enroth
Core team member
Pekka is a management professional who views organizations as vast and complex networks of organizational practices. His slogan is “Shared stuff is best developed by experimenting things together.”

Esko Reinikainen
Core team member
Esko is a culture and systems change consultant with a particular interest in network analysis. He has 14 years experience working with public services.

Arnaldo Pellini
Core team member
Arnaldo is an international development consultant and researcher who has been involved for the past 15 years in the design and implementation of problem-driven initiatives aimed at strengthening governance and knowledge systems in low and medium income countries.

Gunta Krumina
Alternate board member
Gunta is an innovative and creative critical thinker, business development consultant, and applied systems thinking facilitator and advocate.

Pia Adibe
Alternate board member
Pia is a Doctoral researcher at LUT Business School studying collaboration and organizing; and former Editor-in-Chief of Knowledge Management Magazine Tietoasiantuntija, published by Tietojohtaminen ry. “Compassion is action. All is interconnected.”

Piritta Hannonen
Core team member
Piritta co-creates more sustainable futures with the people in their different lifeworlds. As a designer she is working in transitions and interested in wisely entwining actions.

Dora Hietavirta
Core team member
Dora merges learning & development, team learning, community education, global citizenship education, community development, employee experience and now adding a sharpened focus on systems innovation and change management.

Kari Mikkelä
Board member
Kari’s professional mission is to support innovation, growth and internationalization in ecosystem service businesses: innovation orchestration for pioneering and early adapter organisations and networks. He’s well integrated to the global R&D&I expertise communities, where he’s also held many trustee positions.

Zeynep Falay von Flittner
Core team member
Zeynep Falay von Flittner is is an experienced design leader, entrepreneur, design consultant and public speaker focusing on the role of creative and design practices on sustainability transitions. She is combining systems thinking, foresight and human centric design to develop new methods and approaches to support companies and networks to build new capabilities around sustainability transitions.

Prabesh Khatiwada
Core team member
Prabesh has served and lead student union politics during his University life in Finland, later worked as a preschool teacher. Currently, his practice revolves around helping different entities to understanding and address complex systemic problems as a coach and as an educator. He is a graduate of Socionomi from Diak UAS, Finland and MSc.Social Entrepreneurship and Management from Roskilde University, Denmark.

Markus Vähälä
Board member
Markus is a citizenship, disability and mental health activist, developer, musician, politician and ready to make a positive change together with you! Markus is the CEO of international Citizen Network Coop and Development Manager of the Center for Wellbeing and Culture Kukunori in Finland.

Aki Saariaho
Core team member
Aki is a philosopher, entrepreneur and a teacher (English, Ethics, Philosophy) who loves people, problem-solving and networking. These skills he has worked vigorously on for 40+ years. He has grown rather good and fond of them. Aki has been a teacher on the upper secondary level (15-19 year-olds) for 20+ years. He is an avid fan of citizen activism and is a part of several organizations/associations on the board and founding level.

Virpi Oinonen
Alternate board member
Virpi is a cartoonist and a storyteller who aims to make problems more understandable and a little bit less scary. She works internationally.

Mika Raulas
Core team member
Mika helps individuals, groups and organizations to be human-aware, make sense of where the world is moving and what people think and want on themes that are systemic and require human ingenuity – with the Hunome collective sensemaking platform as a CCO there. Background also in digital products, services and new businesses & business models design and development, and academic reasearch and teaching on digitalization, service economy / new service institutions, and how to overcome ‘social dilemma’ to engage people in pro-social behaviors.