Are you interested in becoming a member of Systems Change Finland – Systeeminen muutos Suomi ry?
Become a member of Systems Change Finland
You can support and get involved with Systems Change Finland by becoming a member. Membership transactions are managed securely through credit card payments using the Stripe online payments platform.
Why should I become a member of Systems Change Finland?
Systems Change Finland seeks to cultivate a society that can deal with systemic and complex challenges. Our purpose is to promote the application of approaches that help people, organizations and society understand and work with systems and complexity.
How do I become a member?
Choose a membership type that suits you or your organization and pay the membership. We have set up a secure online payment system using the Stripe online payments platform.
Our board approves all new members in their next meeting which we organize monthly excluding the summer months. By default we accept all new members. Once this has been done, we’ll send you a new member mail to confirm your membership.
Is my membership payment secure?
Yes. Credit card payment through Stripe are secure. During the payment process we ask you some basic information such as your name, family name, address, country of residence, mobile phone number, and email address. We will use this information to keep you up to date about the association’s activities. progress, and results. Once your payment is complete, these information will be included in the email with the receipt for your transaction.
What will my memberships used for?
We use the membership and supporting membership fees for administration, ICT, community engagement, education and setting up the infrastructure for projects and consulting.
Systems Change Finland / Systeeminen muutos Suomi ry is a non-for-profit association registered in Finland: Business ID/Y-tunnus: 3152009-2
What the association does is determined in its bylaws.
How is my personal data processed?
You’re welcome to check our Privacy Policy for more detailed take on how we handle your personal data and what rights you have regarding it.
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